Excellent Breathing Technique!

I was talking with a friend of mine who is a shaman.  He was telling me of a psychotherapist named F.S. Perls who was happy when his patients lost their minds and came to their senses by encouraging a simple breathing practice.

Here’s the exercise that has helped me to ground and come back to the present, especially if my thoughts are scattered.  It’s a tool that could assist anyone.  We tend to either be thinking about the past or worrying about the future and what are we really achieving if we’re not consciously making decisions and taking action.  This action is excellent for anyone’s well being, allowing for calm and centredness.

Sit in a chair relaxed, hands comfortably on lap, feet flat on floor.  Breathe cold air through your nose and exhale warm air through the mouth feeling it pass your lips while wiggling your toes and rubbing your fingers together. (Individual thumbs alternate touching four fingers)

For me, it brought me back to the here and now and got me out of my head trying to figure out what’s going on.  Resisting our own thinking is a really beneficial thing to do.  Gets ourselves out of the way and brings us back to the present, which is our point of power.  Life is a mystery and a puzzle to complex to figure out anyway.  The body always acts in the here and now and when our mind is in harmony with the body we experience sweet, gentle peace!  Give it a whirl.

Hope this helps.  Do it for a few minutes couple times a day.  I would encourage if you do it, do it for fun!

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