Fun, Playful Attitude!

Who does not want to have fun in life!  Why are we not having more fun?  How do you define fun?  Are we living our lives based on our parent’s values?  That’s the big question!  How are you approaching yourself so that you cultivate a well spring of complete joy-filled fun in your life?  Do you do or think things out of obligation or are you living your life for you because it is  your birthright and you are completely free to do so?  What would happen if you consciously, made the firm choice  I’m going to live and be for me!?  May take some courage, but would that not be a positive direction to move in ?  Does it challenge your current beliefs that others happiness is based upon your choices and behaviour?  Perhaps you feel that would be selfish?  Is being selfish a positive for you?  In terms of your well being, selfishness is fantastic.

The number one regret for those about to exit this physical reality is they lived for other people and denied themselves the inspired guidance that was always whispering in their ear to have fun for themselves.  Why not, when someone sees you having fun, they want to join your party.  It’s like laughter…it’s infectious.  The greatest remedy to all life’s challenges and perceived troubles is laughter.  We don’t need to try to let go, or focus on relaxing or have a big meditative/Spiritual experience.  Some may think this is over simplification.  If you believe it is, you’re right!  It is your choice to view it how you want.  Your life in this present moment is reflecting all your values and beliefs, and if you are reading these words, perhaps the higher part of you wanted you to read this and provide an avenue of freedom and joy in your life experience.  Thank yourself, you are love incarnate and not only absolutely worthy of experiencing this-you are it!

So we have to raise children, work,  pay bills, go to school, find a life partner, have more money, buy a car.  These are serious responsibilities…but are they really?  They are part of the reality of life but are we not able to have fun in the process of it and not feel we have to get it over with and continue to worry about anything related to these responsibilities.  Our parents often project on to us the seriousness of these responsibilities and it gets engrained in us one way or the other.

The greatest awareness we can have is to know we have the power to choose and to actively utilize it.  You choose to believe you have it or not.   Given this power, why not direct it in an optimum manner that allows us to feel freedom within ourselves whilst being in the flow of caring for our responsibilities.  How courageous do we want to be with this power?  I have made the decision that any and all things that I think, feel, do or say can and are fun, and I do have fun in the process.  Choosing to have fun allows me to feel good, happy, and positive! I have practiced it enough it has simply gelled with my being.  It’s fantastic!  When this is cultivated and nurtured within our being, life is a breeze and easy as life IS INTENDED TO BE.  Nothing is more important than, that we feel good.  Can you make that choice?  Will you make that choice?  How good could things get?  Maybe you will discover some fantastic stuff that’s been waiting inside of you to come out.  The main thing to remember is, what we focus our minds on, we create…that’s how this reality works.  So intend to have fun being and doing EVERYTHING you do!  I have had great fun allowing this post to flow through me.  Life is always in a positive flow and the more we choose to dive into that flow, the ride can and is so much more fun.  Any resistance to it, is your choice and you will create just that…resistance.  At some point we best  resist the resisting and ride the rapids with grace and most of all, allow ourselves to have fun!  This is a natural transition from being gentle with ourselves.  Awesome stuff!  Too many benefits to mention.  I hope we all make this choice and discover the exhilarating benefits.   Cheers!

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